Nuacht Tionscail

Cuir aithne uirthi: an t-aon orgán a rugadh do phléisiúr gnéasach - an clitoris

Deirtear go minic gur féidir le bean orgasm a bheith aige gan dul isteach ar chor ar bith. Tagraíonn sé seo do orgasm trí chuimil an clitoris. Níl a fhios ag go leor daoine fós cá bhfuil an clitoris agus cuireann siad a n-aiféala in iúl. Ní féidir an milleán a chur orainn, mar níl oideachas gnéis againn.
Níos gaire don bhaile.
Cá bhfuil an clitoris?
Tugtar núicléas an núicléis pubic, na giniúna agus mar sin de ar an clitoris freisin. Suite ag an mbarr idir an labia minora ar an dá thaobh, tá an pointe cruinnithe de na foircinn uachtair an labia majora ar an dá thaobh.
The clitoris is located at the front meeting point of the labia majora at the front of the vulva and between the labia minora on both sides. From the appearance, the clitoris looks a bit like a male penis, but it is much shorter than the penis. The clitoris is also known as the nucleus of the pubic nucleus, the genital bean and so on. Located at the top between the labia minora on both sides, is the meeting point of the upper ends of the labia majora on both sides. It is a small cylindrical organ surrounded by the clitoris foreskin, about 2-4 cm long. At the end is a round head, the tip of which is enlarged and called the glans clitoris. The clitoris is a magical and unique organ in the entire human anatomy. It is the only organ of mankind that is only related to sexual desire and sexual feeling, and its only physiological function is to stimulate women's sexual desire and pleasure. The clitoris is at the confluence of the front of the two labia minora. It is usually covered by a foreskin and is not obvious. It will become erect and show up when sexually excited.
Point G is a view of some people. The location is roughly two or three centimeters from the front wall of the vagina entrance. It is the size of a coin. The location of each person may be slightly different. It is said to be a sensitive area. The clitoris is located at the front meeting point of the labia majora at the front of the vulva and between the labia minora on both sides. It is a bit similar to the male penis, but in fact it is a homologue of the penis. The clitoris is composed of a pair of spongy bodies that can be erected and swollen. It is divided into three parts: head, body, and feet. It is wrapped in a dense envelope composed of elastic fibers and smooth muscle bundles. Comb-shaped septum. The mung bean-sized small bulging clitoral head extends from the labia minora on both sides to form a fold of skin surrounding the clitoris. It is exposed from the clitoral foreskin. This is the only visible part of the clitoris. There is a clitoral frenulum below it. The clitoris is an organ with no reproductive function in the female sex organs, and other sex organs have the dual functions of sexual intercourse and reproduction. For example, the vagina is not only used for sexual intercourse, but also a channel for reproduction and a place for storing semen. The clitoris plays an important role in sexual arousal.
1. Ceangal clitoris (nó commissure anterior, an pointe a mbuaileann an labia seachtrach le bun an vulva, ag marcáil teorainn uachtarach na coda infheicthe den clitoris.)
2. An ceann clitoris.
3. An labia istigh (nó labia minora).
4. An foreskin clitoris.
5. Is é an frenulum clitoral an pointe a mbuaileann imeall seachtrach an labia istigh le glans an chlitoris.
6. Labia frenulum, is membrane sínte é, atá suite faoin labia istigh sa vagina. Os cionn an phointe ina mbuaileann an béal, marcanna teorainn níos ísle an chuid infheicthe den clitoris.
7. Is féidir an hymen, nó iarsmaí an hymen, a fheiceáil taobh istigh den fhaighin.
8. Ceanglaíonn an comhlacht clitoral an ceann clitoral agus na cosa clitoral.
9. Clitoris feet (or clitoris tibia), two elongated bodies of erectile tissue, shaped like a Y-shaped wishbone.
10. An liathróid clitoris (vestibulum), dhá fíocháin spúinseacha erectile ollmhór, a fhreagraíonn do liathróid amháin den bod.
11. Spúinse urethra, an fíochán spúinse erectile timpeall ar an urethra.
12. Grúpa faireoga paraurethral: grúpa próstatach baineann.
13 Táirgeann faireoga Bartholin, nó faireoga Bartholin, méid beag lubrication lasmuigh den fhaighin.
14. Tá an corp perineal cavernous, nó an comhlacht perineal, suite i líonra dlúth de soithigh fola faoi bhun an perineum.
15. Matáin urláir pelvic:
a. BC muscle (bulbar cavernous muscle), atá suite faoi na bolgán clitoral agus stents anal (AS muscle).
b. Cruthaíonn an muscle IC (matán ischia cavernosa) oscailt triantánach pelvic. Nó é a chur amach, ceangailte leis na cnámha ar a suíimid.
c. Matán TP (perineum transverse), matán leathan-chruthach ag bun an oscailt pelvic, fite fuaite le trasghearradh muscle bulbocavernosum agus sphincter anal.
d. Matán UD (éadan perineal), matán cothrom triantánach atá suite faoin oscailt pelvic.
e. Is muscle leathan agus cothrom tonnadóir é muscle LA (levator anas), cuid den éadain pelvic, atá suite ag bun an urláir pelvic.
16. Ligament ar fionraí agus ligament cruinn.
17. Nerves: An nerve pudendal, nó mar is maith liom a ghlaoch air, nerve coimpléasc na n-orgán gnéasach, nó an nerve hipogastric a tharchuireann faisnéis ar ais agus amach as an uterus.
18. Soitheach Fola: Le linn imoibriú gnéis, soláthraíonn sé fuil méadaithe go mór.
Tagann 89% de na orgasms baineann ó spreagadh clitoral. Maidir le fear, tá sé doshamhlaithe orgasm a bhaint amach gan a bod a spreagadh. Ar an gcaoi chéanna, do mhná orgasm a bhaint amach nó taitneamh a bhaint as an taithí ghnéasach foirfe, tá 5-15 nóiméad de spreagadh clitoral fíor-riachtanach freisin.
Tá clitoris mná comhionann le bod fear, agus tá an clitoris comhionann leis na glans. Ach amháin i gcás méid beag agus idirdhealú an cavernosum corpus urethral, ​​tá sé cosúil go léir leis an bod, le comhlacht clitoris, cosa, glans, foreskin, corpus cavernosum agus membrane muscle, chomh maith leis an septum, agus an ligament fionraí. Faigh tógáil nuair a fhaigheann tú spreagadh gnéasach.

Tá an clitoris, go háirithe na glans clitoral, lán de chríochnaíonn nerve. Is féidir le teagmháil nó spreagadh beag a bheith ina chúis le spreagadh gnéasach láidir agus pléisiúir gnéasach. Is féidir le fiú spreagadh cuí mná a bhaint amach orgasm. Dá bhrí sin, is é an suíomh spreagtha is mó tóir é freisin do masturbation baineann. Le linn caidreamh collaí, ní spreagann an bod go díreach an clitoris. Casann an bod sa vagina agus cuireann sé isteach ar an labia minora, rud a spreagann an clitoris. Sin é an fáth nach féidir le formhór na mban gluaiseachtaí simplí loine faighne penile a dhéanamh. An chúis orgasm. Teastaíonn inchinn agus scil ó ghnéas, ní hamháin rampage cosúil le asal amaideach.

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